Mr. Kailash C Pinjani

Kailash C Pinjani

I would like to share that it is much required for any medicine, therapy, vaccine or any treatment to be available to doctors to prescribe to their patients, must be thoroughly tested. We need to know how it will respond to win over any illness. By taking the bigger picture in consideration of both patients and public health, communities can be fundamentally involved to increase the outreach of clinical trial awareness among people. Schools, colleges, offices, and other mass communities should start education programs to bring this awareness to maximum possible people and how their contribution could have a huge impact.

Thank you!!

More about Mr. Kailash C Pinjani

Mr. Pinjani is the one of the leading authors in India and has experience in handling the entire pharmaceutical value chain from R&D to drug marketing. He is working with Clindox, a UK based company involved in making clinical trial softwares. Clindox software suit promotes the entire clinical trial process to be paperless.