Vytla Sai Prathyusha

Vytla Sai Prathyusha
(Clinical Data Management)

Clinical research is an extremely important part of our healthcare system. Infact the evolution of clinical research is a long and fascinating journey. Over the years, as the discipline of controlled trials grew in sophistication and influence, the streptomycin trial continues to be referred to as groundbreaking. The ethical advances in mankind protection include several milestones like, Nuremberg Code, Declaration of Helsinki, Belmont Report, and 1996, International Conference on Harmonization Good Clinical Practice guidelines. These advancements have always safeguarded the rights and well being of the human race. This day is a well deserved ‘time-out’ to recognize the efforts of people who conduct clinical trials and to say ‘thank you’ for all the hardships they go through every day to improve public health worldwide. This day also raises awareness of clinical research as a career option among the right public which can change the future of medicine and therapies.